“And whatever do we do? Martello demanded, getting up and coming round the table. “Weatherby’s not in here, George. He never entered the Colony. He can leave by the same damn route!”
“Please don’t shout at me,” Smiley said.

And later:

Guillam was standing his height, barring the way, and for an extraordinary moment it seemed possible that, broken shoulder notwithstanding, he proposed physically to restrain Martello from coming any closer to where Smiley sat.
‘Peter,’ Smiley said quietly. ‘I see there’s a telephone behind you. Perhaps you’d be good enough to pass it to me.’

I love Le Carre.

Above quotes from John Le Carre’s The Honourable Schoolboy.

just waiting a while

The waiting room of the pretty Foreign Office conference house in Carlton Gardens was slowly filling up. People in twos and threes, ignoring each other, like mourners for a funeral. A printed notice hung on the wall saying ‘Warning, no confidential matter to be discussed’. Smiley and Guillam perched disconsolately beneath it, on a bench of salmon velvet.

– The Barons Confer, Chapter Eight of The Honourable Schoolboy by John Le Carre